Monday, September 30, 2019

Management Obstructive Submandibular Gland Disease Health And Social Care Essay

Submandibular secretory organ is one of the major salivary secretory organs found in human existences. The others are sublingual and the parotid secretory organs. The three secretory organs are found to be located in the oral cavity and around the pharynx. All the three secretory organs together with other salivary secretory organs serve the intent of releasing spit in the oral cavity. The submandibular salivary secretory organ specifically secretes saliva under the lingua in the front part ( Yuasa et al 1997 ) . The chief causes of submandibular secretory organ obstructor are the salivary calculuss and they are known to do puffiness of the secretory organs several repeated times particularly during repasts. Saliva is besides produced by other group of secretory organs referred to as minor secretory organs ( Yuasa 1998 ) . These minor secretory organs are found in the oral cavity liners, lips and roof of the mouth. Sometimes they can be located in the olfactory organ. These glanses a re susceptible to a figure of diseases and upsets some of which include swelling or balls besides known as obstructor or tumours ; infections by bacteriums, viruses and this can take to epidemic parotitiss ; dry oral cavity and hurts largely lacerations ( Rauch and Gorlin 1970 ) .Submandibular secretory organ Anatomy.The structural anatomy of submandibular secretory organ was studied earlier in the 17th century and was subsequently visualized in the 1990s by assistance of an endoscope. The endoscopic technological techniques have developed quickly sing the past 10 old ages and this has been accompanied by sialoendoscopy debut and an betterment in direct submandibular secretory organ diagnosing and geographic expedition. This has besides permitted minimum invasive interventions of surgery to acquire off with the obstructor.ObstructionObstruction of submandibular secretory organs merely refers to interference with saliva flow in these secretory organs usually due to formation of rock in the secretory organs. The marks and symptoms of this upset usually occur when one is holding repasts. The individual enduring from this disease can originate production of the spit but the produced spit can non be able to come out through the ductal system taking to accretion in the several secretory organ. It is this accretion that leads to swelling of the secretory organ involved and this is followed by terrible hurting and the happening of an infection at this phase can put in ( Capaccio et al 2003 )Causes of obstructor.The chief cause of salivary secretory organ obstructor is the Sialolithiasis which accounts for about 60 six per centum of the entire secretory organ obstructor instances. Tumors, cauli rocks and stenosiss besides account for a comparatively high per centum of secretory organ obstructor. However obstructor is besides caused by other minor factors including stoppers of mucous secretion, neoplasm compaction, foreign organic structures and sometimes obstructor by granulation tissue which can be due excessively immunological jobs. Obstruction can besides be as a consequence of exposure of the secretory organ to the radioiodine therapy which causes harm to these secretory organs particularly for persons enduring from thyroid carcinoma ( Milton, Thomas and Bickerton 1986 ) . Obstruction of the salivary canal can besides be caused deficient coordination of neuromuscular masseteric. Finally obstructor can be due to traumatic dentitions eruption or initiation of dental plate compaction in the opening of the salivary canal.Other possible causes submandibular salivary secretory organ obstructor.There are several possible causes of obstruction or obstructor of the submandibular salivary secretory organs. These factors can either be classified as extraductal, ductal or intratuctal factors. Extraductal causes are besides termed as interductal causes which can happen due to force per unit area built up from the other tumours next or next to the submandi bular secretory organ. The force per unit area built up in these next canals or tumours cause swelling of these canals. When these canals swell outwards, the submandibular secretory organs near to them acquire compressed taking to their obstruction or obstructor to flux of spit. Other than the force per unit area from the tumours adjacent to the submandibular secretory organs, other constructions of anatomy close to these secretory organs can besides do compaction force per unit area. Ductal factors or causes involve stenosiss of fibre that criss-cross in the interior of the canals of the submandibular secretory organs. These stenosiss emerge from the walls of the submandibular secretory organ canals and turn towards the hollow side doing obstructor or obstruction to flux of spit. Intraductal factors or causes include things like mucose stoppers or the concretion. Accretion of the mucose on the walls of the canals of submandibular secretory organs will finally take to decrease of th e infinite available for flow of the spit. Elevated degrees of this mucose accretion lead to obstructor. The mucose is believed to be secreted by some enzymes in the walls of the canals.InflammationIn a instance where the rock does non blockade the canal of the secretory organ wholly, the secretory organ will merely demo the swelling consequence at a clip of feeding and so goes back to normal after the repasts but this state of affairs will once more reiterate in the following feeding session. The abnormally pulled spit is most likely to acquire septic and this leads to extra terrible hurting and secretory organ swelling. There is a likeliness of the secretory organ going abscessed if this status is left unattended to for a long clip ( Epker 1972 ) . Abnormality is one of the causes of obstructor in some people. In instances where the major salivary secretory organs happen to hold some abnormalcies like development of bottlenecks, the spit may non be able to flux freely in such a instance and this can take to reduced flow of spit and this can make room for infections and other obstructor symptoms ( Becker et al 2000 ) .TumorsThe primary malignant and benign tumours of the salivary secretory organ usually appear as typical expansions or puffinesss of the affected secretory organs. In most instances tumours involves on one secretory organ and on really rare state of affairss will you tumours involve in more than one secretory organ ( Yoshimura et al 1989 ) . Tumors are detected as growing expansions in the submandibular country or in other countries like the parotid secretory organ, mouth floor, lips and besides in the cheeks. The major secretory organs ‘ malignant tumours are described as fast growth, can take to loss of ges ture of the side of face which is affected either entirely or partially and these tumours are really painful. The probe of the symptoms needs to be carried out quickly ( Spiro 1998 ) .DiagnosisThe chief methods of diagnosing of any salivary secretory organ disease are by proving in the research lab, physical scrutiny and sometimes the history of an person is put in consideration. In a state of affairs where an person is suspected of holding a major salivary secretory organ obstructor, there will be need to anaesthetize the oral cavity salivary canal gap, investigation and distend it to enable the transition of the clogging rock. The usage of dental X raies may besides assist in location of the calcified rocks. A CT scan type of X ray will be helpful in instance a mass is located in the secretory organ and this type of scan will demo if the placed mass is portion of the secretory organ or a lymph node associate ( Bodner 2002 ) .TreatmentSalivary secretory organ diseases can be tackle d by either medical intervention or by surgical operation. The method to be used for intervention will be determined by the nature of the secretory organ job. If the nature of the job is one that attacks the organic structure as a whole so this must be treated and may necessitate farther audiences from other specializers but if the status involves obstructor of the salivary secretory organs and other secretory organ infections so antibiotics can rectify the state of affairs. However some instances of secretory organ diseases may necessitate canal instrumentality. In the instance where a mass has developed in the salivary secretory organ, the mass remotion by surgery is necessary. When transporting out surgery, attention must be taken to avoid harm to the nervousnesss located in the secretory organs ( Drage 2002 ) .Sialolithiasis/Calculi ( rocks )In many instances, this upset occurs largely in the submandibular salivary secretory organs and canals. However a few instances are reporte d to happen in the parotid secretory organs. The chief cause of the stenosiss can be due to the injury that can originate from cheek biting. Other causes may be due to dental plates, concretion and sometimes post surgery effects. The persons enduring from this status experience several symptoms ( Marchal et al 2001 ) . They feel pain at the clip of feeding and this hurting is relentless and the swelling occurs largely during eating. The discharge of the spit and Pus from these secretory organs will alleviate these symptoms. Failure to go to to this status will take to stagnancy and accretion of the spit in the affected secretory organs taking to happening of infection. If this state of affairs continues for long without any attending so the patient ‘s secretory organs may be destructed for good ( Nahlieli et al 2000 ) . This upset can be treated or managed but the direction or intervention depends on the type, the location and the degree of devastation of the involved secretor y organs. The intervention measures largely employed include canal repositioning, canal Reconstruction, calculus remotion by surgery, stenosis dilation and besides gland deletion ( Renhen 2001 ) .Malignant tumour.The major secretory organs ‘ malignant tumours are described as fast growth, can take to loss of gesture of the side of face which is affected either entirely or partially and these tumours are really painful. The probe of the symptoms needs to be carried out quickly. The chief symptoms of this upset as described include hurting, weak facial nervousnesss, lump tethering and fast growing of the tumour. The sort of probes that can be employed in this instance can either by MRI scan or usage of CT scan. A all right needle cytological aspirate can be applicable but the job is that this probe is dearly-won taking to many concerns ( Brown 2002 ) . Adenoid cystic carcinoma. This status is divided to three subtypes. There is the cannular type, the cribriform type and the solid type. Among these three types, the most aggressive is the solid type. These three subtypes of the adenoid cystic carcinoma may happen in the same tumour or individually in different tumours. The features, marks and symptoms include perineural invasions which occur in about 60 per centum of the patients ‘ diagnosed with this upset. There is besides cervical metastasis although this is rare and occurs merely in approximately eight to thirteen per centum of the patients while the other symptom is the distant metastasis which happens in about 50 per centum of the patients ‘ diagnosed with this disease and this is largely sited in the castanetss and the lungs ( Seaver 1979 ) . The most employed intervention or direction is adenoid cystic carcinoma surgery as the primary intervention. The other direction techniques include entire parotidectomy and th is is largely done when there is suspension of tumour clinical invasion. Radiotherapy can besides be employed in instance surgery is non successful. Then there is a demand to make frequent follow ups Incas of extremely susceptible patients to this upset in order to pull off it ( Chummun 2001 ) Acinic cell carcinoma is normally located in the parotid secretory organ. This disease appears as a mass turning easy in the secretory organs and it is accompanied with hurting and tenderness. This tumour looks similar to cells of serous acinar. Other cases related to this status have been reported in the submandibular secretory organs and other salivary secretory organs. Persons with different age can endure from this disease but kids and average aged persons ( between 40s and 50s ) are most susceptible. This status can be treated or managed by using assorted surgery degrees followed radiation therapy. The other intervention method is neutron beam radiation, chemotherapy and besides conventional radiation ( Baruchin 2000 ) . Mucoepidermoid carcinoma incidences happen most likely compared to other two types. Persons aged between 20 and 50 are the most susceptible. This status can happen in any salivary secretory organ but many such instances have been witnessed or apparent in the smaller salivary secretory organ of the roof of the mouth. This status can eat deep into the dentigerous cyst wall. Symptoms of both high and intermediate signifier of this status include metastasis to the part ‘s lymph. This status is treated or managed by surgical dissection. The other method of direction is the postoperative radiation therapy ( Medina 1998 ) .Decision.Several disease conditions affect salivary secretory organs and they are brought about by different factors. All the medical applications that are employed in any status of this diseases will either be surgical or by usage of medical specialty. These sorts of interventions are done by sawboness with experience in the caput and neck subdivisions of the organ ic structure. These sawboness are referred to as otolaryngologist sawboness and in this instance they are specialized in both caput and cervix related surgeries. ( Koch et al 2005 ) . Many more establishments that offer unwritten surgery and any other related researches should be enhanced and accomplished to be able to minimise these conditions and be able to manage even much more complicated diseases related to salivary secretory organs.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Into the Wild and Walden

After reading Walden, by Henry D. Thoreau and watching the movie titled, Into The Wild, written by Sean Penn, I realized how similar and different both main characters were. Christopher McCandless, the main actor in the movie and, Henry D. Thoreau, the author and main character in Walden, share many things in common however, their views on the world and motives for going on their journeys are very different from one another. These two men share complex views on life and how one should live that life. They differ in regards to how they deal with and go about living their lives. Thoreau and McCandles live their lives doing what they feel makes them happy. McCandless quotes Thoreau and says, â€Å"If you want something in life, reach out and grab it† (sc. 167). Both of their journeys were beneficial for them and taught them a lot about themselves. Both of these men went out on a quest to find themselves and give insight into how they define and live with technology, finding spiritual freedom, the necessities of life, and living life to its fullest, but it is these similarities shared between the two that they also contrast each other greatly. Both McCandless and Thoreau deal with the advancement of technology in their journeys. McCandless is the Henry D. Thoreau of the 1990s. What sets him apart from Thoreau is his view on technology. Thoreau states, â€Å"The nation itself, with all its so- called internal improvements, which, by the way, are all external and superficial†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (119). This statement is the opposite of McCandless‘ view. McCandless uses the advancements in technology to get to his final destination of Alaska. McCandless travels by train, which would have made Thoreau absolutely sick. Thoreau clearly expressed his iscussed for the railroads in Walden. McCandless also relies of cars and trucks as he hitch hikes across the country. Now in Thoreau’s time there were not these elaborate highways and cars but Thoreau would not have been happy about this. If Thoreau had a problem with the railroads in the 1800s then there is no doubt he would have not agreed with the way McCandless chose to get to Alaska. They both had technology that they relied on. They both love to read and write. Ink and books were both made from the advancements in technology over centuries. They also both had tools while out in the ilderness that they heavily relied on. They both had knives that they used all they time for cutting and cleaning food. Thoreau had a wheelbarrow and a spade, where as McCandless had a gun, and a handbook on, what was edible in nature. McCandless and Thoreau both went in search to find spiritual freedom and escape society. Thoreau recorded his two year experiment to express what he has learned about himself and society. McCandless also recorded his escape from society on his two year journey. They both were out in the wilderness alone for two years as they connected to the earth spiritually. Unlike McCandless, Thoreau never mentioned problems within his family in Walden. McCandless had another reason to escape society other than to find himself, he was escaping the violence and troubles presented in is everyday life at home. A voiceover of Carine, McCandless sister, comes on and says â€Å"Worse yet was that it was Marcia to whom he was still legally married at the time. And it was Chris and I who were the bastard children† (sc. 53). This shows how McCandless had so much more to leave behind than Thoreau did. This scene also give us insight into McCandless’s state of mind nd how much his life at home effected him. Thoreau states, â€Å" I left the woods for as good of a reason as I went there†¦I had several more lives to live, and could not spare any more time for that on† (426). Thoreau’s statement tells us how he just went for the purpose to get away from society and live in nature and solitude. McCandless had emotional problems brought on him by the instability of his family. Both Thoreau and McCandless lived with the necessities of shelter and durable clothing. They both had shelters that were made by man. McCandless lived in a bus out in he Alaskan wilderness, and Thoreau lived in a cabin at Walden pond. Thoreau and McCandless had to deal with the airiness of their homes. Thoreau says, â€Å"This was an airy and unflustered cabin, fit to entertain a traveling god†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (110). Thoreau however did have a functioning cabin where as, McCandess lived in a bus that was converted into a house. Thoreau had a more room to move around as well as better protection from the weather. McCandless lived in more open and colder environment than Thoreau had to. Both men also relied on their clothing to be durable and able to withstand the elements. The harshness of their living conditions required them to have warm and durable clothing. They did not have enough room in their bags to bring every item of clothing they owned. It had to be functional year round as well as strong enough to hold over a duration of two years of hunting and gathering. Thoreau had did not have as much variety of clothing to chose from as McCandless did. McCandless was born in a generation that made clothes in mass quantities and clothes were more accessible to everyone plus McCandless had his parents to buy him clothes over the years. Thoreau and McCandless were both college graduates that lived their lives to the fullest. Thoreau graduated from Harvard and McCandless graduated from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. Both men were highly educated and were very knowledgeable in many aspects but prefer not to have a job. McCandless says to Mr. Franz , â€Å"I think careers are a twentieth century invention and I don’t want one. You don’t need to worry about me. I have a college education. I’m not destitute. I’m living like this by choice† (sc. 185). They both were philosophizers and knew about the uselessness of possessions. McCandless donated twenty-six thousand dollars to Oxfam, cut up his identification card, and credit cards. Thoreau however, did not give up his possessions, he just set them off to the side until his experiment was complete. McCandless lived the last two years of his life doing what he wanted and exploring nature. He died doing what he wanted to do, not what he had to do. Although Thoreau did not die during his experiment he lived his life the same way. Thoreau knew that for one to be happy, one must live their lives doing what they want. Both men lived their lives to the fullest and did what they wanted to do. McCandless and Thoreau have learned so much about themselves and about how the world works, whether its for the better or not, while out in the wild. As these two men have traveled and lived in their final destinations they have had to deal with technology, finding spiritual freedom, the necessities of life, and living life to its fullest, to make it there. Thoreau says, â€Å"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer† (430). Thoreau is saying that it does not matter how you match up to others or if you follow other people, only he or she can make their ife worth living and worth telling about. Both McCandless and Thoreau have similarities but because they are different people they also have many contrasts between them. They both benefited from their journeys and have taught us all something. The have both gained knowledge of the world and of themselves while out in the wild. They teach us that if one wants to be happy, do that which makes one happy. Their journeys are something we can all do for ourselves. And if we do go on a journey like this we wont always have the same answer for questions but will be faced with the same questions of life.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The United States Economic Development in the World War II Essay

The United States Economic Development in the World War II - Essay Example This essay outlines the efficiency of the economic policies of American government in war and post-war period, that led to strongly improved performance of the economy in the world. There are several reasons that led to wage rise during the Second World War. One reason that led to the rise in wage rates during the Second World War was the increased efficiency in jobs. Millions of residents of the United States of America who worked in occupations that were less productive moved to more efficient occupations. By acquiring efficient jobs, they earned more from their occupations. During the Second World War, wages also increased because productivity was equally improved. The improvement in productivity was brought about by better technologies that were put in place. The United States of America got its resources using an array of methods. One of them was excessive use of taxation. High taxes were imposed on workers as a way of mobilizing resources. The Congress collaborated with Roosevelt to impose heavy taxes as a way of mobilizing resources. The rates of marginal taxes increased from 81 per cent to about 94 per cent during the entire duration of the Second World War. The income level that was subjected to tax was also lowered Following the World War II, the increase in the demand of consumers for commodities fueled a robust economic growth. One industry that benefited from the consumer demand was the motor vehicle industry. To add to that, electronic and aviation industries witnessed enormous growth. ... The army was well marshaled to a force that was feared in the battlefield during the entire season of the war. By the year 1945, the military of the United States of America comprised of at least 13 000 000 million men, in addition to women who were in unison. This jump started the successful tradition in battle fields the United States of America has enjoyed till today. The industrial strength of the United States was also a crucial factor that was observed not only during but also after the Second World War. As much as they imported most of the resources they used outside the nation, their Gross domestic product stood the highest across the entire world. This margin was very large compared to those of other parts of the world (Young, 2013). During the post war era, the industry was transformed into an economic powerhouse still being witnessed today in the United States of America. These are of the reasons that led to the success of the United States as far as economic growth was co ncerned. They were able to recognize some of the gaps by other countries which they filled well. The post war prosperity that was witnessed in the United States of America after the Second World War was such a golden chance to the capitalists. This was attributed to maturity in bonds of about 200 million dollars from the years between 1945 to 1973.These bonds were financed by their work force that was educated. The post war prosperity and economic growth was also brought about by the increased number of farm workers who secured jobs in cities and towns across the United States of America. Before the Second World War, the economics of the United States ditched into a great depression. This occurred in the period between 1929 to 1941.In 1932, the

Friday, September 27, 2019

Take Our Responsibility in Groups Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Take Our Responsibility in Groups - Essay Example In most cases, when people are in a group they think and do things differently than as they would when they are alone. For instance, in cases where there is a dangerous incidence, it can be observed that most people particularly women will respond by running away in order to seek help. In so doing this, they might be at a risk of landing in problems but at the end they could be safe. However, if people are in a group and such a dangerous incident happens, it can be noted that most of them will respond by holding back. In the essay, Carol Tavris noted that such response is not because â€Å"people are lazy, cowardly or have 50 other personality deficiencies; it has more to do with the nature of groups than the nature of individuals.† In relation to this, there are several examples given in the essay to illustrate and justify such a response and show what people did in reality. In one experiment, the experiment settings was set in such a way that students sat in a room, either alone or in groups. They were then exposed to an emergence incidence that included a smoke. Later, the student’s response was monitored. In this case, it was observed that Students, who were alone responded first by hesitating for a minute, then later got up, and checked where the smoke was coming from. Afterwards, they responded by reporting the incidence/emergency to the authority. On the other hand, the students who were sitting in groups never made any move. They were seen to sit for about six minutes in the smoke until the level where they could barely see properly. They responded by rubbing their eyes as well as coughing. Basing on this given example in the essay, it can be noted that when people are in a group and an emergence happens or a dangerous incident which is risky to their lives. They will respond by taking no action at that point in time. This could be because they might assume that nothing should be done since the situation has

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Early Childhood-Practical Life Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Early Childhood-Practical Life - Research Paper Example When children are exposed to practical life activities early on in life it not only enables them perform common physical tasks but also helps in the character building as they learn patience and responsibility while performing the activities. For example practical life activities help children to button their shirts and tie their laces, to clean things, to set the table and eat properly and later clean and wash dishes and keep them in their respective places. All these tasks require patience and concentration and in the end give the child fulfillment and happiness upon completing the tasks. Children also learn to be devoted and accurate by doing the tasks and in the process they also develop and calm and dignified attitude. According to Maria, when a child is repeatedly exposed to real life tasks the child would automatically attain the ability to perform other tasks later in life. Performing everyday tasks would also enable the child to develop a sense of balance and analyze their movements. And when they repeat the tasks they would be able to achieve perfection in their tasks. The usefulness of repetition is especially true among young children and it also teaches the child a lifelong lesson to strive in achieving perfection in all their endeavors. 2. Achieving power over your own movements leads to independence. Montessori constantly refers to the importance of movement. A teacher can become an â€Å"obstacle to a child†. What did Maria Montessori mean by this statement? Taking the example of the teacher who prevented the little boy from viewing the objects in the basin through his own efforts, Maria stresses that it is necessary for instructors to initially watch the movements of their children and teach them the difference between what is right and wrong. This would help the children to better regulate their movements. Once the children are made aware of this

The Australian Government and Reserve Bank Assignment

The Australian Government and Reserve Bank - Assignment Example The main purpose behind the development of such type of an economy is to ensure the availability of opportunities for every Australian citizen for their future success (Key Achievements, n.d). The Reserve Bank of Australia started operating as the central bank of Australia on 14th January 1960. The main purpose of the Australian Reserve Bank is to â€Å"conduct monetary policy,† maintaining a strong economic system and issuing currency of the nation (Reserve Bank of Australia, 2011). The paper seeks to examine the performance of the Australian government and Reserve Bank of Australia in the past two with emphasis on their macroeconomic policies. How successful have the Australian Government and the Reserve Bank of Australia has been in running the Australian economy over the last two years? The time when most of the major powers like UK and USA were suffering due to the recession, the Australian economy was growing at a rate of 0.4pc in the first quarter of 2009 according to t he Australian Board of Statistics. There was even a rise in its GDP. Source: Keep Australian Government The only thing that might put the Australian economy at the backseat was the growing rate of unemployment and it needed immediate attention (Malkin, 2009). Thus when the Labor Party came into power it was expected from them to design their policies in such a way so as to bring more improvements for the economy and also reduce the rate of unemployment. In the department of health, the Gillard Government had signed a number of health reforms with all the States and Territories in order to secure the health of the Australians in the future. This agreement will be a boon for the economy as it will provide the funds required for the public hospitals, one can expect greater levels of â€Å"transparency and accountability† and less waiting for the patients. As a result of the above health reforms one can see that hospital funding has increased by over 50 percent. Around $ 1.5 bill ion have been injected in the emergency departments. Plans for the aged section of the population have increased by 10,000. In order to ensure availability of medical facilities in the rural areas incentives and bonuses are being given to the doctors (Health Reform, n.d). Though the health reforms were meant for the whole economy yet it lacked a â€Å"common architecture binding policy† attitude. Increasing health care costs have proved to be a factor responsible for lack of health care facilities among the indigenous Australians. Apart from that there has been the problem of lack coordination and content (Gillespie, 2011). The Gillard government has made efforts to make every school a great school because they believe that proper education is very important for increasing a person’s potential and also for increasing the wealth of the nation in future. Accordingly policies were designed in such a way so as to ensure uninterrupted flow of quality education. Funding for education continued, existing Education Tax Rebate was expanded; $3.1 million was to be spent in the next two years in order to establish National Trade Cadetships and many more (Schools Policy Analysis, 2010). As global warming as become an important issue all over the world, the Gillard Government has taken steps to ensure a safer environment for the Australians. The government’s Clean Energy Future Package is considered to be an important economic

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

THE GLOBAL BRANDING OF STELLA ARTOIS Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

THE GLOBAL BRANDING OF STELLA ARTOIS - Case Study Example This number is very low compared to other industries, such as tobacco, liquor, and soft drink industries. Therefore, it would be appropriate for Interbrew to take advantage of this opportunity by developing a global brand and expanding into markets that are unexplored by acquiring brewers in both growing and mature markets. Stella Artois is certainly the best flagship brand for the company. Firstly, it is clear from the case that the brand is doing exceptionally well in the global market. For instance, the global volume of Stella Artois rose by 97 percent between 1992 and 1999, which was remarkable considering the level of competition (Beamish and Goerzen 108). Stella Artois also serves as the best global flagship brand since it has established good reputation in the European market and beyond. According to the case, Stella Artois is seen as the â€Å"European premium lager,† which clearly demonstrates how well the beer has been received in the European market. Therefore, as much as Stella Artois has suffered in one way or the other, it still serves as the right flagship brand for the company. Interbrew’s move to focus its strategies on cities as markets instead of countries has a number of advantages. Firstly, the strategy is beneficial to the company in the sense that it allowed Interbrew the opportunity to offer the right training to its staff. Secondly, the strategy was advantageous since it ensured that Interbrew received wide media coverage. Thirdly, the strategy ensured that Interbrew gained more return on marketing and promotion investment. Additionally, the strategy appeared advantageous to the company since it enabled the company to gain more control over marketing and distribution (Beamish and Goerzen 114). Other advantages associated with the strategy include enhancing brand awareness in the cities. However, the strategy was also associated with a number of disadvantages, including limiting the brand

Monday, September 23, 2019

Ethical consumerism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Ethical consumerism - Essay Example In addition, the company avoids criminal acts such as corruption and fraud. It is also committed to helping the community by participating in charity events. This has contributed to its good reputation in the market. Ethical consumerism refers to buying or using products that are ethically manufactured and delivered. In the current market world consumers highly value ethically produced goods (Payne 2012, P. 1). Examples of ethically produced goods include those that can be recycled. Companies that produced such kind of goods are viewed as ethical companies because they care about environmental sustainability. Such companies indicate how their products can be recycled on their product labels. In addition, the processes of producing the goods have to be ethical. For instance, ethical production includes avoiding child labor and overexploitation of workers. Buying goods that are produced by underpaid workers or slavery is not ethical consumerism (Payne 2012, P. 1). Other products that fall under ethical categories include those that organically produced goods. Such goods do not contain chemicals that may harm the health of consumers. Other products in this category include cosmetic, fashion, electr onic and insurance products. By buying such goods one qualifies to be an ethical consumer. One can be an ethical consumer without knowing, however; ethical consumerism involves being aware of ethically produced goods in order to prevent abuse and exploitation. An example of a firm that claims to operate ethically is Dell Company. The company is ranked among the most ethical firms globally in the year 2014 (Ben 2014, p.1). The ethics and values of the company include carrying out its operations in integrity ways, focusing on accountability, and commitment to engage with its consumers and suppliers in ethical ways. The company has used various approaches in order to achieve the high position

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Management and Operation of Food Services Essay

The Management and Operation of Food Services - Essay Example As tourists become more mobile, so does the food they eat. Food, culinary styles and the increasing differentiation of dishes and cuisines in tourism destinations have developed. Global drinks and foods are emerging, such as Coca-Cola and McDonald's, and local and regional food is thriving, and new 'fusion foods' are also being created to feed the 'global soul' (Iyer 2000). Tourists themselves are contributing to gastronomic mobility, by creating a demand in their own countries for foods they have encountered abroad. Gastronomy has developed considerably through the years. Gastronomy is not only extremely difficult to define, but the term, just like 'culture', has become more heavily laden over time. As Scarpato shows, the original definition of gastronomy has broadened in recent years. The Encyclopdia Britannica (2000) defines gastronomy as: 'the art of selecting, preparing, serving, and enjoying fine food'. Gastronomy was for the nobility, but over time the concept included the 'peasant food' typical of regional and local cuisine. The serving and consumption of food has become a global industry, of which tourism is an important part. Mass tourist resorts can often be divided spatially on the basis of cuisine. One can spot English tourists in English pubs, German tourists in the Bierkeller. Some tourists still engage in the habit of taking their own food with them on holiday.Food is a means of forging and supporting identities, principally because what we eat and the way we eat are such basic a spects of our culture. Given the strong relationship between food and identity, it is not surprising that food becomes an important place marker in tourism promotion. One of the basic reasons for this is the strong relationship between certain localities and certain types of food. As Hughes (1995:114) points out there is a 'notion of a natural relationship between a region's land, its climatic conditions and the character of food it produces. It is this geographical diversity which provides for the regional distinctiveness in culinary traditions and the evolution of a characteristic heritage.' This link between location and gastronomy has been used in a number of ways in tourism, including promotional efforts based on distinctive or 'typical' regional or national foods.In a gastronomic landscape, the forces of globalization and localization are both exerting pressures on our eating habits. The rise of fast food has come to characterize the globalization of culture and economy encaps ulated in the term 'McDonaldization' (Ritzer 1993). McDonald's franchises more than 25,000 outlets in 120 countries worldwide. The Big Mac has become a culinary product that it is used to measure the purchasing power parity of national currencies (Ong 1997). The cultural capital that we develop on holiday regarding foreign food is utilized in our leisure time to develop our identity. The fact that many people seek the comfort of the familiar on holiday is one factor that helps to support the spread of global foods. At the same time, however, there is a countervailing force towards more localization in what Castells call the 'space of places' - the local environments in which the bulk of the world's population live their everyday lives. A resurgence of the local is also being stimulated by growing

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Economic role of the government Essay Example for Free

Economic role of the government Essay Economic systems are identified by how they answer the three questions of what, how, and for whom to produce. Similarly, they are theoretical representations of economies found throughout the world that demonstrate the distribution of control between people and the government. The economic systems exist on a continuum, with command economies on one side and the free markets on the other side. The United States has a free market economy but with a notable amount of government intervention, therefore it has a mixed economy. The government acts as a provider and regulator of the United States mixed economy through setting legal limits and sensible policies for economic functions for the people. In the United States, decisions are made by individuals acting as participants within the market. The federal, state, and local governments, however, make laws protecting private property and regulating certain areas of business. Practiced in the United States today, capitalism would be best defined as an economic system in which individuals own the factors of production, but decide how to use them within legislated limits. Nearly identical to capitalism, the free enterprise system is another definition for the American economy. The free enterprise system emphasizes that individuals are free to own and control aspects of production, yet expands on the fact that government places legal restrictions on freedom of enterprise. Zoning regulations, child-labor laws, hazardous waste rules, and other regulations limit free enterprise to protect the anticipated entrepreneur and his or her surroundings. When such rules are established, freedom has is boundaries and is considered a privilege. Consumers in a market economy have the advantage of being able to choose among products. Contrasting to freedom of enterprise, freedom of choice applies to only the buyers, not the sellers. Although buyers are free to make choices, the market has grown into an increasingly complex place. A consumers choice determines the success or failure of a good or service. The profit incentive is the desire to make a profit. This motivates entrepreneurs to establish new businesses, expand existing ones, and change the kinds of goods and services produced. The government has intervened in various areas of the economy to protect buyers. From a simple requirement  for companies to place warning labels on potentially dangerous products to regulating the prices that a company may charge, the government arbitrates in company dealings to help keep all consumers relatively satisfied and secure in their purchases. One of the most important characteristics of capitalism and free enterprise is the right to private property. That is, property not owned by federal, state, or local governments, but rather held by a person or persons. The right to all property-land, business, automobiles, and whatever else the person can afford-aids in the production of wealth and prosperity for all. According to the Constitution, the government has no power to seize private property unless payment is given to the individual. What are called the rights of property are the rights to risk investment and acquire new ways of producing while learning the benefits and downfalls of ownership. Among the economic goals of Americans are economic freedom, economic security, economic stability, and economic growth. To obtain these goals, individual opinions along with government decisions must fall into equilibrium. In order to have a well-functioning enterprise system, individuals are required to take on certain economic responsibilities. Such responsibilities include attempting to rise as a successful entrepreneur and obtaining the knowledge of possible government policies while analyzing the consequences of those policies. The United States illustrates the characteristics of a mixed economy by combining freedom of choice, the desire to make profit, and the right to property with government regulations.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Effects of Swedish Body Massage on Body Systems

Effects of Swedish Body Massage on Body Systems Analysing And Describing  The  Effects of Swedish Body Massage  On The  Major Systems Of The Body Contents Introduction The Aims of Swedish Body Massage and the Body Systems Involved The Effects Swedish Body Massage Has on the Body Systems Lymphatic System Urinary System Cardiovascular System Respiratory System Muscular System Skeletal System The Benefits of Swedish Body Massage on the Body Conclusion Bibliography Introduction My Name is Sheryn McDermott and I am studying HNC Beauty Therapy at Forth Valley College. As part of my Human Anatomy Physiology for Beauty and Complementary Therapists units, I am required to write a report where I must analyse and describe the effects of a selected therapy on the major systems of the body. In the report I must: Research and describe the aim of a selected therapy on one or more systems of the body Research and discuss the evidence that explains the effect of your chosen therapy on the structure or function of the body systems Research the benefits of my chosen therapy on the body and Discuss any evidence available The assessment must be presented as a report and have no less than 1500 words and no more than 2000 which I will include a word count. I must reference using the Harvard referencing system and cite at least 5 different references. The report must be in my own words and I must use evidence based research to support my discussion. Any diagrams I use will have a title and be clearly labelled. The therapy that I have chosen to do my report on is Swedish Body Massage. The Aims of Swedish Body Massage and the Body Systems Involved The aims of Swedish body massage can differ from person to person depending on what they want to get from it. A client could want to relax, reduce emotional and physical stress, relieve tension and aches, increase their well-being, feel invigorated, detox, increase circulation and improve various body functions. There are so many things that body massage can do and as a therapist, it is my duty to know the effects that the massage will have on the body and how I will be able to achieve the clients aims. As a therapist my aims could be to: Increase blood circulation and improve function Increase lymphatic drainage and improve function Lower blood pressure Relieve tension in muscles, relaxing them and improve their condition Improve skin condition Stimulate or relax the nervous system Help reduce adipose tissue Keep joints supple Aid digestion Massage affects all the body systems in a positive way (for those who are not contra-indicated). Some of the major systems affected are the: Urinary system Lymphatic system Cardiovascular system Muscular system Skeletal system Respiratory system The Effects Swedish Body Massage Has on the Body Systems Lymphatic System As therapists massage in the same direction as the lymph flow, towards the nearest lymph node, the speed of the lymphatic flow is increased due to the force of the hands. The pressure that is applied during massage helps with transferring fluids from the tissue, into the lymphatic vessels which will drain the fluid away more quickly. This helps to prevent or reduce oedema in the tissues Interstitial fluid contains waste products from cells, these waste products are diffused through lymphatic vessel walls during massage and this allows the body to remove waste products quicker. Pathogens and microbes can be found in the blood, which the lymphatic system filters and cleans to destroy them. Massage can increase the efficiency of the lymph nodes and spleen which can increase the body’s immune system. (Jane Hiscock, 2010) wrote: ‘Biochemical healing takes place not only by alleviating anxiety but also stimulating the production of antibodies, especially immunoglobulin, so enhancing the immune system.’ Urinary System Massage is very stimulating to the body systems which releases toxins that are built up in the body and aids their removal. The toxins travel in the blood to the kidneys where they are filtered and flushed out in the urine. After a massage it is recommended to the client to drink lots of water to improve this process. An increase in fluids increases blood volume which increases the blood pressure and also increases the efficiency of the kidneys, thus increasing the need to pass diluted urine to lower the blood volume and blood pressure. Cardiovascular System Pressure on the skin (even slight) can empty the superficial capillaries and venules near the surface of the skin. Light, superficial effleurage can affect the flow of blood and help the work of the heart. Massage enhances blood flow in the veins which carry away waste products, toxins and carbon dioxide efficiently, and quickly returns to the blood stream. As the blood flow is increased, so is the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the cells and tissues. (Rosser, 2012) ‘It speeds up the flow of blood through the veins. Veins lie superficially (nearer the surface than arteries). As the hands move over the part in the direction of venous return, the blood is pushed along in the veins towards the heart. The deeper and faster the movements, the greater the flow. This venous blood carries away metabolic waste products more quickly.’ Gentle stroking produces a contraction of the walls of the capillaries in the skin which has a cooling effect on the body. Dilation of the blood vessels helps them to work more efficiently. Blood pressure temporarily decreases due to relaxation and by decreased stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system. Red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets increase in number in the blood. Respiratory System As massage is very stimulating to the body and increases circulation, respiration is also increased to feed these stimulated areas with oxygen. Breathing rate and depth is increased to compensate this. The condition of the lungs can be improved as the joints of the thorax will be mobilised which will help to strengthen and improve the tone of the respiratory muscles. Percussion and tapotement massage movements will directly affect lung tissue by increasing circulation to the various part of the lungs such as the bronchioles and alveoli. If there is any mucus or foreign particles in the lungs, these can be dislodged when using percussion movements. (Audry Githa Goldberg, 1996) wrote: ’Such manipulations as percussion will have a direct effect on the lung tissue. Not only will the circulation to the bronchioles be improved, thus feeding the tissues and helping to maintain elasticity, but any mucus or foreign particles, if present, can be dislodged with such manipulations’. Gaseous exchange is also increased in the lungs which will improve the performance of the lungs by ridding the body of carbon dioxide and replenishing it with oxygen. Muscular System When muscles work they require a greater supply of oxygen and nutrients and as a result, more waste products are produced. After exercising when the muscles are resting the waste products can build up and result in stiffness. Massaging the muscles aids removal of the waste products by providing a fresh supply of blood and nutrients. (OKeefe, 2006) wrote: ‘Massage will relieve muscular fatigue by removing the lactic acids that build up in the tissues.’ Some muscle tone can be improved and maintained and with that, elasticity and flexibility is increased which can help improve some postural faults. Tense and short muscles can be relaxed and stretched and over-stretched, loose muscles can be strengthened. Tapotement causes muscles to expand and contract. Muscles are also warmed which helps to relieve tension and pain. Muscles work over joints and if there are adhesions in the joint then the full range of movement will be prevented. Massaging the joint using frictions will help loosen and release these adhesions. This will allow the joint to gain mobility in the joint, more movement in the muscles and therefore increase the range of movement. Skeletal System Pressure against the periosteum (the sheath of connective tissue that surrounds all bones except those at joints) stimulates the blood circulation which will feed and nourish bones and also the joints close by. (OKeefe, 2006) wrote: ‘When massage is applied to bones, it does not have any direct effect. What does happen is that because of increased blood circulation the bones are fed fresh oxygen and waste products are absorbed more quickly.’ Massage in and around joints can help to prevent and loosen adhesion which will help mobilise joints and improve their range. Image 8 Skeletal System The Benefits of Swedish Body Massage on the Body There are countless benefits of receiving massage that will benefit the body directly and indirectly. Skin is moisturised, nourished and desquamated, scarring can be reduced due to the increased stimulation and blood flow which will increase the skin condition overall. Sebaceous glands are stimulated allowing the skin to become more lubricated and supple. Muscles fibres can relax to eliminate bands of tension. Muscle tone and performance is improved and pain and tension relieved. Allows weakened muscles to be more readily used after a period of disuse. Relieves tension headaches. Lymph is stimulated encouraging a healthier immune system and removal of waste and toxins. Oedema in areas can be reduced providing there is no contra-indicated medical condition. Depending on the type of massage, the nervous system can be relaxed or stimulated. Circulation is improved which increases the blood flow to all parts of the body bringing nutrients and oxygen and removing waste. This promotes healing and the regeneration of cells. Blood pressure and heart rate is slowed down during a relaxing massage and if done regularly, has a cumulative effect to benefit clients with blood pressure problems. Increased urinary output will help to get rid of toxins in the body that have been released during massage and is great as part of a detox. People with stiff joints or low range of mobility will benefit from massage in and around the joints to relieve any adhesions and increase the mobility of the joint. Massage over the abdominal area can help aid digestion by encouraging peristalsis and speeds up the digestive process. Massage can help those with constipation. Adipose tissue could be affected as the tissue is warmed which accelerates the chemical activity needed to disperse the fat. The pressure used softens the fat which allows it to be more easily absorbed. Respiratory tract can benefit as it will become relaxed, allows mucus to be dispersed and dislodged and increases the gaseous exchange which allows more oxygen into the body and more carbon dioxide to leave. Breathing properly can help prevent lung infections, encourage good posture and aids relaxation. There are many psychological benefits to massage too. The client can relax, allowing the mind to become still and calm. Emotional stress can be dispersed or even forgotten about during massage and a general well-being can be achieved. Self-esteem, sleep patterns and concentration can be improved. Conclusion During this report and unit I have learned in-depth knowledge about the human anatomy and some of the major body systems. I researched how Swedish Body Massage would affect these body systems and I am now confident in my knowledge of the effects and benefits on the body. I will be able to use this knowledge to my advantage when I am treating clients, enabling me to advise them on how massage could benefit them and ensure the treatment reaches their objectives. I feel it is important to know exactly how the movements, techniques and manipulations used during massage will affect the body. Bibliography Audry Githa Goldberg, L. M. (1996). Body Massage For The Beauty Therapist (3rd ed.). Cornwall: Elsevier. Jane Hiscock, E. S. (2010). Beauty therapy Level 3 (2nd ed.). Barcelona, Spain: Pearson Education Limited. OKeefe, A. (2006). The Official Guide to Body Massage (2nd ed.). London: Thomson Learning. Rosser, M. (2012). Body Massage (3rd ed.). Italy: Hodder Education. Front Cover Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5 Image 6 Image 7 Image 8 Image 9 Word Count 1881